Saturday, July 11, 2009

Day One

Okay, so here we are in Texas.....couldn't blog until now because we got in SO late last night. Finally got to the hotel in NM at midnight, but of course the kids were HYPER once we got into the hotel room.  They didn't take too long to settle down, and ended up sleeping way past me this morning.  I'll try to post some pics tonight when we get to Midland - hard to do in the car, so I'll try and get that done later.

So other than the never-ending battle with flies, we've been good - seriously, EVERY time we open the car, another fly enters the car and Reece freaks out.  I'm not sure if we're attracting the flies or what, but it's getting pretty annoying!  

The kids were pretty good on the way here yesterday, and considering we were in the car for 13 hours, they did great.  Sure, there was the occasional freak out, but we're used that.  As I mentioned on Facebook, we had to coerce Avery into peeing on the side of the road, which was more funny because I was on the phone with tech support from Verizon trying to get our wireless  connection fixed.  This guy must think we're insane, I'm sure.  Avery started freaking out, and then of course, Reece got upset because he can't stand when Avery or Seth cries.  It was incredibly loud for a few minutes there.....and we finally had to just stop and tell Avery that it was either go here or go in her pants.  She finally succumbed and realized it wasn't so bad!   That was in Arizona; somewhere outside of Phoenix, and it was insanely hot.  115 degrees.

The lightning storm in Tucson was scary - mainly for Reece.  It was pretty ominous for awhile, but also really cool!  Us Californians never get to see actual weather, so it was a treat!  We stopped for food at McDonald's after we passed through the storm and then we were on our way again.....this last part was the longest part of our journey.  I am not looking forward to that 16 hour drive from Niagara Falls to Kansas City on July 30th.  Okay, I can't even think about that right now! .

Today we went out to White Sands National Monument in NM - about 50 miles from Las Cruces.  This place was so cool.  The sand is actually gypsum that was deposited at the bottom of a shallow sea covering the area 250 million years ago.  Eventually turned to stone, these gypsum-bearing marine deposits were uplifted into a giant dome 70 million years ago when the Rocky Mountains were formed.  It spans 275 square miles.  I only wish we could have seen it at sunset - or on a full moon.....that has to be incredible.  It's miles and miles of white (blinding white) sand.....and the kids were able to sled down the huge mounds.  They lasted about 30 minutes and then they were DONE, because it was so hot.  It was only 96 degrees, but with all that white sand, it felt alot hotter and talk about sunburn central!  We were covered in sunscreen, but I still felt crispy.

We had to pass through Las Cruces again to get back down to the 10, and on the way to El Paso saw miles and miles of cows - seriously, the largest dairy farm we've ever seen....had to be more than just one farm and probably not just dairy farms, if you know what I mean!  Reece looked out and said, "Mom, at dairy farms, they take the milk from the cow's virginias".   You can probably guess that he meant vaginas - which is also just as funny, but the way he says it just kills me.....anyway, we cleared that up.  :)

Now we're on the 10 heading toward Midland and we're doing Mad Libs.  Mostly toilet humor based Mad Libs, but they're pretty funny.  

Okay, more later...gotta make a pitstop!

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