Thursday, July 23, 2009

Heading to NYC

We are 165 miles outside of NYC as we speak - on the 95 North.  Left DC at about noon - after seeing the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution!  Woohoo!  Crazy, crazy, crazy....very tired - but also wired.  DC was awesome - but FAST.  We got to the city at 4pm and raced over to the Washington Monument to see if we could go up.  Andrew was trying to find parking - which took forever!  The kids and I were able to get up - there were no more tickets for that day, but a really nice guy let us up anyway.  At first I thought he was trying to scam us!  He told me, "I can take care of you guys, just have a seat and I'll make sure you go up".....and me, being a hardened Los Angelian, thought he was trying to scam us out of money - or just flat out lying to us!  But he was genuinely nice and after I realized that, I thanked him of course, but I did feel horrible for thinking the worst!  It was a nice reminder that I needed stop being quite so cautious!  It's hard because when you're with your kids, you just want to make sure they're safe and not being taken advantage of.  Anyway,  we got up were able to see DC from the monument, which was amazing.

We then scooted down and hit the Natural History Museum, the American History Museum (ruby red slippers and Kermit!!!) and the Air and Space Museum - in 3 hours flat.  By the time we got out of there, we were starving and of course, all the little kiosks serving hotdogs were closed so we hiked 2 more miles (at least!) searching for acceptable food for these picky eaters.  Finally, we found something - tex mex - and we were off again to see the White House and Lincoln Memorial lit up at night.  The kids were so tired - but we're on a time schedule, so on we pushed.  They crashed when we finally arrived at the hotel.  

All in all, we're doing ok.  Seth has a little bit of a cold - and Reece's tummy was bothering him last night, but we're all good - it's gonna rain the whole time we're in NY, but that's ok.  Love NY in the rain!

Will try to post pics soon.....just too busy and tired!  I'm posting them on FB more because they're easier to upload (faster).

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